Have you realized what a large and versatile country Finland actually is? It being October it seems self-evident: you can see snow and heat in the same weather forecast, not to mention slush and thunderstorms. Newsfeed shows us a stream of pictures of both dreamlike first snow and frost and city-dwellers eating ice cream on their lunch break.
This versatility is visible also in tourism. Finland is full of different program services offered by big and small operators alike. Those visiting a city or large tourist centre are spoiled for choice, but what happens when we leave the centres? How to find the right doers and organizers to tailor a suitable program for us and our group?
FinnGuru network is the answer!
The basic idea behind FinnGuru is to find and promote different kind of Finland and Finnishness, the kind you cannot find in a tourist brochure. To reach this goal we have gathered a network of professionals that covers the whole country. Our network is not finished yet, there is still room for both small and big pros to join in.
All this means that there is a FinnGuru representative in every part of Finland, someone who knows the specialities of their own region and is ready to take charge of your group of travellers. We never run out of ideas, because we do not rely on the imagination of just one person and thorough knowledge of local services is what we base our operation on.
FinnGuru has many faces and we will be very proud to introduce them to you in our blog in the future. Do subscribe to our blog to get to know us better!
* Do you share our goal? Would you like to join our network? Do send us a message, you are more than welcome to join in FinnGuru network!